Every year, you have the chance to examine and update your health insurance coverage to better meet your needs during the TRICARE open season. During this time, qualified military personnel can sign up for, transfer, or modify their TRICARE health coverage. Your current coverage will last throughout the following year if no changes are made during this period.
You can make the changes that you want for your health insurance coverage on or before December 10. If this window is missed, updates will have to wait until the following open season or until a qualifying life event occurs. For the sake of your family's health and well-being, take the time to know the TRICARE changes in 2025 so that you can plan accordingly.
Upcoming Updates for the TRICARE Open Season
TRICARE is very important because it is a global healthcare program for military personnel, retirees, and their families. The deadline is December 10th if you wish to change your plan, such as switching from TRICARE Prime to TRICARE Select or vice versa.
You do not need to do anything if you are currently enrolled in a TRICARE plan and do not wish to make any changes. However, you should continue to inquire about any changes to TRICARE rates that might have an impact on you.
Missing the deadline during the TRICARE open season means that you'll have to wait until the following open season or until a qualifying life event occurs, such as a child's birth or adoption, a marriage or divorce, or a change in health insurance. Beneficiaries will need to contact their local TRICARE contractor personally due to restrictions on online choices through December 31st to update or change their plan.
Beginning next year, the TRICARE contracts will also change. One notable adjustment is the transfer of the West Region contract to TriWest Healthcare Alliance. Humana Military will remain the contractor for the East Region. Nevertheless, six states are moving to the West Region from the East Region.
In four states, a small number of ZIP codes have been carved out, meaning that recipients would live in a different area than the rest of their states. Beneficiaries should look at provider directories, their region, and other information to make the best decision.
Active-duty service members, TRICARE for Life, and premium-based plans are exempt from the TRICARE open season. You can buy these premium-based programs at any time of year. However, only open enrollment or a qualifying life event allows plan changes for TRICARE Young Adults enrolled in either the prime or select options.
The Rise of TRICARE Costs
All these changes in the TRICARE plan come at a cost, as military and retiree households are expected to pay more for TRICARE in 2025. TRICARE premiums will increase, with the majority of increases falling between 2% and 3%. In 2024, costs increased by almost the same amount.
The new rates were made public by the Military Health System. The annual enrollment fees and deductibles for many TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Select members will rise, while copayments for medical services will only slightly increase. The monthly charges for TRICARE Young Adult and Retired Reserve members will also see some of the largest rises next year.
The rates for the TRICARE dental program have already been changed as of November 1 due to modifications to TRICARE's contract with its dental program provider, and they will remain the same through February 2025. According to the news, the TRICARE pharmacy program's current expenses will last until the end of 2025.
The TRICARE "group" a member belongs to, established by the date of the service member's initial enlistment, can also have an effect on the overall cost. Those who joined the military prior to January 1, 2018, are in Group A, and those who joined after that date are in Group B.
TRICARE Select will rise from $355.92 to $364.92 for family plans and from $177.96 to $181.92 for individual plans for Group A retirees. Individual TRICARE Prime plans will increase from $363 to $372 per year, while family plans will increase from $726 to $744.
TRICARE Select will go up from $1,131 to $1,158.96 for family plans and from $438.96 to $579 for individual plans for Group B retirees (those who joined after January 1, 2018). The individual plan for TRICARE Prime will go from $426 to $438.96, and the family plan will go from $879 to $900.96. These fee adjustments will take effect in 2025.
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